Thread: FDX - Amending the Contract

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Micro , 05-01-2008 03:23 PM
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Quote: Go to a LEC meeting and submit a resolution. Micro has the details.
Quote: How about the 2004 decision to throw ALPA's support behind John Kerry, despite the overwhelming desire of the membership NOT to do it. In the purest sense you can't say that they went against the vote, because it never got put it to one. (We'll see how things go today in regards to the 2008 presidential endorsement...haven't seen any results of today's conference call, but I have my suspicions about how it will play out. I may be wrong.)

How about the MEC's side letter with the company (during our last contract negotiations) to throw city purity out the window. Oops, guess that one doesn't count either as we didn't get to vote on that one as well. I'd bet you a month's pay though, that our membership wouldn't have been in favor of that if they had been given a voice.

Guess you are right...we haven't had many MAJOR votes on anything. Just decisions dictated to us and apologies after the fact.

Jakal...Who is Micro? Thanks.
Let me first say that I'm not an expert in this, but after reading all the 'ops specs" for the union, I would agree that you should put forth a resolution at your LEC level (seconded and passed at the LEC) that the MEC direct the Neg Comm to develop a LOA or side letter with the company deleting agency shop from the contract. The problem I see is that it will NOT happen because it next goes to the MEC for discussion and a MEC vote and I suspect they (the MEC) will kill it.
If you want to ensure that's how you initiate it call the union and talk to the lawyers to get the procedures.
I can tell you I won't quit the union but I also want the agency shop gone. That way we'll see who really is behind the union. Good riddance to the guys who quit. I reallyt don't care if they pay or not.