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Old 03-01-2024, 06:19 PM
New Hire
Joined APC: Nov 2023
Posts: 4
Default Vacation payout when you quit

Help me settle once and for all, because I’ve gotten conflicting answers. If I was a lineholder and then quit with a vacation bank of 75 hours, would the vacation over 82 pay straight pay or 125%?

For reference, I left a long time ago but recently swapped planes with another former F9 and we chatted a bit. He said he got paid 125% on his. I asked a few friends still at F9 and have heard it both ways. I might have locked myself out of UltiPro, so I’m not sure how to go back and verify. But my math ain’t mathing on my last check.

Approx 85hr credit + 75 vacation and my calculations show my last bank deposit (minus taxes and deductions) was correct if it had all paid at straight 100%. If I was supposed to get 125%, then my net pay was off by many thousands.
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