Thread: Are FO's still getting hired?

Otterbox , 04-25-2024 03:36 AM
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Quote: I think you missed my original comments on this. I didn't want to shave for any interviews or meetings with recruiters because then my current employer would know I'm looking for another job.
You should probably re-evaluate this choice, if you haven't already.

Years ago, a pilot showed up in regional indoc with a beard. Every day the fleet captain would stop in and see if he'd shaved it yet... this went on until reviewing the FOM in class where it stated no beards. Said pilot got hauled into the fleet captains office at the end of indoc was told to shave or resign, because he'd be fired if not. His walking around the training center for two weeks with a beard caused such a stir that pilot recruitment got a mandate of "no beards" and from that time forward wouldn't process the application/hire anyone they met with a beard.

Not sure if the no beard mandate still exists, but you've met this company at a job fair. If the "no beards" tribal knowledge is still getting passed down from recruiter to recruiter, you're not doing yourself or your job hunt any favors.