Thread: World Airways

TXairEMBdrv , 06-08-2008 06:36 AM
Line Holder
Line Holder
  • Joined APC
    Oct 2006
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    MD-11 CA
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ERJ Driver,
If you were advised that you would be placed in the pool then that is your current status. This is how the POOL WORKS as explained to me:
1) when you interview you are graded on all the events and assigned a score
2) your score determines the order that jobs are offered, if any
3) if you are offered/not offered but told your in the POOL then your score
will be compared to the NEXT interview groups' score
4) If they all score higher than you; they will get the offer's and you will
stay in the pool until your score is high enough to be offered a job.
World is great place to be. Good luck!