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Old 06-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Pitts S2B
Line Holder
Joined APC: Apr 2008
Posts: 72

I am you my friend. I did the engineering thing. Ever see "office space"? I'd bet we have a lot of stories in common. And I was an engineer in ICT too....

If you are going to do it, go to a school that will get you through quickly. Seniority is everything so get your ratings as quick as possible with as much multi time as you can (such as ATP - I didn't go there though) and get on with a good regional (not someplace like mesa).

There is a ton of negativity in this profession. Most of the people have never worked in a cubicle so they won't understand where we are coming from. Every time I mention that I left engineering for flying, I get grief about it. But I don't regret leaving the big salary at all. Money isn't everything and it will come around.

Feel free to PM me with any questions!
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