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Old 06-18-2006, 09:41 PM
Sr. Barco
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Joined APC: Feb 2005
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I understand where you're coming from now. You are probably right on the money with your assessment. You know how it is when you've been at a company for a while, you lose touch with the hiring practices.

I totally understand your dilema. I was in the same quandry in 1999. Times were MUCH better than of course, but $7k was a lot of money for a poor a$$ commuter pilot to spend on just the chance of getting hired. I just decided to go for it and not look back. I looked at it this way: If I didn't get hired I would be out $7k but if I did get hired I would be in for a great career. I never even thought of failing. I know that sounds corny but it worked. It was the only place I wanted to work so maybe that showed through, I don't know.

Like I've said in previous posts, Southwest is not for everyone. That's my only response to the nay-sayers. If you don't like x, y or z about Southwest then it's probably not the place for you. It sounds to me like you really want to work here so I would say go for it and network like a fool. I did for a year and met some strong contacts.

Good luck!

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