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Old 06-27-2008, 11:47 AM
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Joined APC: Nov 2006
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by StraightShooter View Post
The .com's had explosive growth. Everyone said "you can make some fast money." Then lots of people lost virtually everything invested.

The Housing Market had explosive growth. Everyone said "you can make some fast money." Then lots of people foreclosed on houses.

The Oil Industry has explosive growth. Everyone's saying "you can make some fast money, investing in it"...................

In the meantime for those of us who decide to get ahead with "gazelle intensity power" we're going re-visit our budget, make changes if necessary, and keep plugging away money in the savings account.

This is an opportunity to realize, that hard times come, and they come often. So be prepared, pay off ALL of your debt, stay out of debt, so when the next hard time comes, you wont even really notice it.

I had dinner with a man recently who paid off his house, cars, saved cash to buy rental properties, and now is an elitist. He did not come from wealth, just hard work. He's in his 30's.
Good advice and insight Shooter.

The oil industry has always been manic with regard to it's direction.

After 'Great Highs' comes 'Great lows'. This isn't going to last forever.

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