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Old 07-01-2008, 12:57 PM
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Joined APC: Dec 2005
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by johnso29 View Post
You're playing with some serious fire in today's economy. Watch out, or you might get burned. And you got yours remember, it's called LOA 19. It's funny how DAL guys didn't have a problem with that, but now this TA is just unacceptable. It's just never enough for some

You big bad Northwest boys and gals way to go folks. It is good to see someone getting a decent pay raise in this industry

I feel we should give shooting the TA down a shot. No harm in trying. The roof is not going to fall on our heads today! And the Delta pilot group has never turned down a TA. We need to establish the will of our pilot group and send our MEC a clear message that they should do a better job of determining our wishes before acting. Sort of putting them on notice.

Did you ever read that comic book, Asterix and the Gauls. The guy who was always running and hiding afraid of shadows. That has never look like me and Delta is filled with warriors.
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