Thread: AF Reserve Pilot Bonus?

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SaltyDog , 07-10-2008 01:54 PM
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Quote: Isn't the "rest" of the military on duty 24/7, and available for indefinite deployment with a phone call? A part timer must be activated, and then can only be deployed for a finite period based on the law. I'd say that's a bit of a different "risk".
Actually, by reg and law, all military personnel are on duty 24/7. Go violate some UCMJ's while acting in your civilian capacity, like a DUI and see if it has any impact on your mil career. Also, USERRA protects and gives Uncle Sam the right to call you 24/7 and deploy you indefinitely, just like the AC.

Quote: Tell that to the family of the OH ANG fighter guy that died in Iraq last year. Not to mention the other non-flying types in the NG and ANG.
Or the MO ANG Eagle driver whose airplane fell apart on him, didn't kill him, but risks are risks and he has some enduring medical challenges.