Thread: Getting Out?
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Old 07-12-2008, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Spooled View Post
Thats the problem. I don't really know.

I would enjoy doing Financial stuff or something related to computers... Unfortunately, my degree is not related to either.
I understand. I left aviation in 2004. Nobody was hiring and I thought that it was the end of aviation as it was before. Continuing seemed pointless. Many of my friends and fellow instructors that stuck with it are now captains at various regionals. It appears that many individuals, such as yourself, are in the same dilema that I was in four years ago. Everyone keeps saying the same thing that I said after 9/11: "Yeah, it was bad before, but this time it's different." Well, guess what, it isn't! It's the same stuff as before only this time the problem is gas and the economy and not terrorists and the economy.

So, I took my Aeronautical Science degree and got into real estate. First in property management (managed about 6m in cash and 600+ units) and now in sales. Still making a good amount of cash even in this market. Am I happy? Not really. I stare at a computer screen for hours on end and write emails. I work about 60 to 80 hours a week.

I wish I could trade with you for a year so you could see how it is on the outside. Aviation gets in your blood. You can get out and you will probably be happy for a few years like I was. But then when things turn around and you see where you would have been had you stayed put through all of this you may regret it. If you do, you can borrow my shoe to kick yourself (assuming I'm done kicking myself).

Aviation certainly isn't for everyone, but only you can make that determination.

Just thought I would give you another angle to think about.
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