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Old 07-18-2008, 07:20 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Mar 2006
Position: left seat 343/5 332
Posts: 96

RE; DXB, lots of good schools but short on space right now, if you google schools dubai you can find their web sites.

Not really compound living, more like gated commuities.With rents going up by the day ,do NOT take the allowence and try to rent you will end up out of pocket.

EY has a rent to own but I do not know any details on that

Everyone owns cars, that might be the problem with traffic.

Personnel movement is unrestricted.

EK kid max 3 and if you have ever worked with west asian admin you will find nothing is negotiable. |" Oh Capt 3 children max" " oh no capt "
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