Thread: Why you should only fly the big airlines

WannaBleftseat , 09-24-2005 01:12 PM
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i disagree with skyhigh
the original article is complete bullux. among an aviation audience we all know he is full of it but what is almost scary is that opinions, even the especially uneducated and ignorant ones are the ones that seem to get the most attention from the public. as pilots we arent exactly fans of low cost carriers but although completely unfounded and slightly rediciulous articles like this could help the majors in the long run. i mean if an article is going to change the publics opinion on whether or not they have loyalty to the major airlines or not and in doing so it takes a cheap shot at our... "glamorous" pay which i havent seen then screw it. i would rather hurt the LCC's and have some ignorant turd "think" we are overpaid then have the LCC's continue to thrive (thrive? jetblue might not post a profit).

as for the comments that airline pilots will never get paid a high wage again i think it is kind of ridiculous. The economy is in a slump and people are forced to take pay cuts. when the economy gets better and companies start turning profits thats when pay increases happen. young pilots or not we all know what our educations cost to become pilots. make 20 grand a year for your first year? i dont know any self respecting person with a 4 yr degree and ratings that would say "wow this is awesome!" pilot pay will eventually bounce back up. its really a matter of time. It might take a few strikes from pilot groups to do it but it will happen. pilots are generally kind of egotistical and if given the right economic climate and industry position... will want to get paid. it has to happen. skyhigh says that people arent willing to pay more then they are... 50 bucks each way between EWR and FLL? i dont know that many people who travel who couldnt swing more then that for a ticket. Let the airlines follow the lemming like march to bankruptcy. eventually they will be profitable and we will get paid.... i hope