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Old 09-26-2005, 07:48 AM
Posts: n/a

its kinda of funny to listen to all the responses. this guy obviously wants to make a career out of flying. he didn't say i want to be a doctor, lawyer, policeman....but a pilot. everyone who is all ready a "pilot" keeps telling him to go elsewhere. some of us(like the rest of you) even if you won't admit it here enjoy the odd schedules, old FA's and all around madness that the airline lifestyle entails.

its easy to tell the kid "become a doctor and buy a cool airplane" sound a little like your father don't you? let him shoot for his dream even if yours never came true. most of us don't want a 9-5 in some office making small talk at the water cooler....even if it pays a little better.

BTW do you think firemen and policemen tell other applicants to go do something else just because the pay is low( especially firemen)

i say go for it....i did and have never been happier.....i went to college and became an RN and hated every minute of it. quit, started flying and haven't looked back since. could i have made more $ the first few years of betcha', but then I would have never instructed in an airplane or flew the ditch or met so many miserable people.