Thread: Comair updates?

Big Foot , 07-28-2008 02:45 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Big Foot
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Quote: Hey I didn't get displaced! Although looking at the list, I have the feeling a lot of people didn't update their standing bids. Or this may mean they know they will be furloughing me so why train me back on 50 when they know they are going to can me? mmm nah, that involves too much thinking ahead for them. The former is waaay more likely.

291 pilots?!!??!?!?!?!?! Where the heck are they getting this? I'm assuming the min-max values that were on the displacement bid are pre-furlough then.
The last person on the list is now the most junior, so if you number is bigger then 1183 save a spot in the unemployment line.