Thread: Delta Connection Academy is way expensive...

200SR20 , 08-01-2008 06:50 AM
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Quote: Standz told me that the new program in the cirrus is a pvt/inst course. about 60 lessons. They told me students have been spending about or for some, a little more then we did when we went through. (by WE I didn't mean you) The Camel course is 29 lessons and 5 more lessons for single add-on. That I agree is better in some ways than the old program as far as lessons are concerned but those 29 lessons at the multi price ouch. With the multi at about (if not more) then $200 an hr with inst. and 2hrs per lesson average, that alone is $11,500 before groundschool. When I was at DCA, ground school was $34p/hr 8hrs a day for 2 weeks comes to about $2700.(some courses it is 3 weeks) Take the single into account now you are looking at about a total of 20-25K (15-20K for multi). That for you means your ontrack for 50K before CFI/CFII/MEI. Your new program at DCA is not cheaper, ask any CFI at DCA and they will tell you that. I and many friends of mine that are teaching there and at the airlines know this. This is just a reality check. Don't base your end of day spendings in commercial if you are not over 2/3 done yet. Early lessons generally cost less but later lessons start getting longer, I imagine you already know this since you got two tickets there. CFI has a crap load of briefs in it too, though I heard the new program has reduced it a little. (thats good for you too) CFI also have to have atleast 40hrs of dual if i remember right.

Here is about what I paied (I was pretty average, no super star)
Pvt = didn't get at DCA
started inst. with 45hrs
inst. = 16K
Com single = 17K
com multi = 13K
CFI = 18K
Ened CFI with a total about 220hrs
CFII = only did ground school and 5 lessons and it costed me 5G

These where my rough est. costs not exact and Im too lazy to add them together to see how lose to 75K but I know I was in that ball park. My opinion on what makes DCA really costly is the groundschools. If you end up under even 70K at DCA that is totally kewl and good for you. I hope it is true for you, don't like to see people with a debt like and greater than mine. Training at DCA I agree is GREAT also, helped me a lot on my interview with ASA. The DCA profiles are much likes the ones at ASA also and that helped me in training. I won't say DCA is not worth it, I just want to push the issue that it does cost a lot.
Hey man... Naw I'm not sure what CFII is right now I have heard some of my friends getting it for 6-8 approx. but i'll cross that bridge when I get to it... CAMEL tho isn't to bad they lowered the price of ground school and there isn't a ground school for single add on anymore just 5 lessons.

ASA thats awesome... How's the company? Your based in ATL right, man thats my company I'm shooting for but I still have another year before I can even start getting excited.