Thread: Mesaba Future
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Old 08-12-2008, 05:56 AM
VHR-very happily retired
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Originally Posted by Lighteningspeed View Post
HaHaHa! Very funny. Maxjet sounds like a guy with a little man complex.
FYI, I am over 6 feet tall and around 180 lbs. Also, XJ CRJ900 is flown regularly in flights well over 2 to 3 hours so your comparison is ludicrous. Of course the fuel efficiency will go up on longer legs. There is no debate on which aircraft is more fuel efficient on both short and long legs. That's a moot point. You can argue till you are blue in the face and it won't change the fact that CRJ900 wins hands down on fuel efficiency. I do hope you are not with Compass and if that is the case that's a darn shame because most Compass pilots I have met are intelligent and likeable folks, unlike you.
First of all re-read the post. I am not attacking you only putting out an opinion that you obviously disagree with. After you re-read my post read the others. Maybe you are so proud of your CRJ 900 Next Generation magical flying machine with its caverous flight deck and luxury interior that you cannot seem to see the difference in size of the 2 aircraft. Other than that stop with the personal attacks as it makes you look foolish on this site. As someone else posted, take that over to FI.
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