Thread: A few random questions and points...

FDXAV8R , 09-11-2008 03:26 PM
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Our union has proven itself useless of late. Our union lacks leadership. The union could say something simple like we are currently trying to negotiate the implementation of the 777 and would appreciate your support. In other words don't bid it or support the company getting it on property until we have an agreement. Then as a crew force we should police ourselves and get it out of everyone's standing bid. Hell if the only guys bidding it are the scumbag non-members lets set the payscale at narrow body and double everyone's per diem and improve the duty rig. Come fellas talk it up and let's get a little cohesive action here. How hard is it to ask everyone to remove it from their standing bids. I know everyone here either has a set or used to lets get something done right for once.