Thread: A few random questions and points...

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iarapilot , 09-11-2008 08:12 PM
"blue collar thug"!
"blue collar thug"!
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Quote: I think you should re-read the contract.

Unfortunately (very nfortunately) the contract allows the Company to put the 777 (or any new aircraft) in service without a negotiated pay rate.

Yes it does say that after a certain period that we will go to arbitration if a rate has not been agreed to, but unfortuantely after a Bid has come out, after pilots have been trained and after it has already flown revenue.

The Union shouldn't have to (and my guess is they won't) tell anyone anything in this case.
Everyone knows what should be done. The 777 isn't in my standing bid.

I like the md-11
Also unfortunate is that if there isnt a pay rate, a solid union pilot would not bid it; but we have some that do. But the Company knows divide and conquer, and this is just part of their program. We just get to bicker among ourselves about the folks who do bid it, and the Company just sits back and laughs at usual. We may be educated, and good at our jobs, but we are also a self serving bunch of knuckleheads.....collectively, that is.