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Old 09-12-2008, 12:14 PM
Underboob King
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Originally Posted by DAL4EVER View Post

Usually you entertain me but the last couple of days you've gotten completely out of line and rather pathetic. You are acting like you're the epitome of everything wrong with this country. You cry about your standard of living, decry those who present different viewpoints with facts to back them up, complain that the world is ending and do nothing to change your course. You make nearly $100k if you're off probation but act like you are on food stamps. You even have a job. Ask the UAL, CAL, LCC and AMR guys how good their MEC has been for them?

If you hate DALPA, you hate the Delta pilots. Why? Because they are US you tool. We elect them to represent us. Don't like what's going on, volunteer? You surely have the time as you can have the time to post on this website and slam everyone behind a stage name. Instead, you will probably come up with some puss excuse as to why you can't volunteer to make some change. I would love for you to be privy to inside information and then burn inside knowing that maybe, just maybe, your wrong about our future.

Why are you even here anymore? If you knew oil was going to $100/barrel a month ago surely you made your millions shorting the market. Didn't know that? Well then, how do presume the MEC negotiate? With current facts or with an unknown future. It's like you going to buy a house that you will move into two years from now, but close on it now? Would you possibly lock yourself into a hopeful future or the here and now?

Instead of giving us your toked out ramblings that have no points and insults to individual persons, it would be nice if you could present some solutions. What should we have negotiated and why? What would you have done differently? I'm curious.
Excellent Post!!!
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