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Old 10-19-2008, 07:58 AM
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Default Military

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR View Post
On many bases - you will have completed your tour by the time you could have moved onto base housing; so even if you wanted to live on base housing - timing has a lot to do with your luck. So if you don't live on base you get some extra money to live out in town on top of base pay. Again - depending on the area - that can be little to help you based on the rate. If you would like to really dig deep into this though you can research all the pay charts. They are posted out on the web. As for "taken for granted" - I'm not sure who you are saying are taking these things for granted. The point of the previous post was not to start a who gets paid less debate, but rather to correct TM's view that I have never lived on a slim dime - especially when he knows nothing of my upbringing, family history, or former/current financial status. It seems that according to him that if you have never flown for a regional airline that you should have no opinion in the matter. Going back through a few of my previous posts - I can not find one where I say that I know what it is like to work for a regional or find a post where I tell a person that an aviation career is all a bed of roses. I find many posts where I admit that I am but another person looking for a job in the professional pilot industry and that it is a tough industry and that if you decide to jump into it then you had better have a good plan. I believe that I post in a very balanced manner - that is balancing the goods and the others - just like I mentor and counsel people on whether they should stay in the military or get out almost on a weekly basis. If I'm not a "flag waiver" as TM called me in the military career aspect - I doubt I'm much of a "flag waiver" on a career that I have yet to enter.

Everyone who I have known that went into the military at least had a bunk to sleep in, health insurance and food to eat even if they had no money left. Many of these things are overlooked as a portion of your true compensation when in the military.

On the outside while working for a regional I had to pay for a lot of things that are provided for in the military. My take home pay at a regional was $492 every two weeks. Out of that I was supposed to provide a living for myself. It was not easy or fun.

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