Thread: Advice regarding GoJet

BZNpilot248 , 12-06-2008 09:06 PM
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Quote: "you would not want an....ex-mesa"

Disagree with Rickair on this one.

I have four friends who have been at Mesa. Probably three of four were before Ricks time.

One I personally recommend at UPS and he got hired. Didn't even have to sit in the pool.

One went to Delta, furloughed, successful big Corp CP, then went back to DL, last I heard.

One went AWE, now US airways.

One is trying like heck to get out, last I heard, Avantair.

I'm no fan of JO or buying a job via MAPD. But I don't condemn Mesa pilots, as unpopular as that can be. In general, being a pilot at Mesa won't hold you back.

What he meant was an ex-mesa guy being on the hiring board that was shafted by the freedom A guys, or a TSA pilot being on the hiring board interviewing a go-jet pilot. No being a Mesa pilot won't hold you back, but being one of the original freedom mesa pilots potenially would be.