Thread: First A320 in DAL colors arrives Tuesday

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Selcall , 12-22-2008 08:19 AM
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    Trying to remember "Thrust Normal", "Checks", and something else besides "How are the rides today?"
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The other day I was flying into ATL on a VFR day. ATC said your traffic is a company airbus at 10:00 and 3,000 feet on final. I looked at the Captain and said "When did we get an Airbus?" I then had a big laugh with the Captain about it.
The same I guess can be said when my new partners from NWA are told by ATC to follow a company 88. Merry Christmas.

Oh the funniest thing I ever saw in DTW was a group of people from the Far East taking a picture at the fountain before their flight....Two of then thought it would look better to sit down on the fountain. What a surprise that must have been for them.
