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Old 12-22-2008, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by avanti View Post
I will have a sat phone, a personal locator beacon (apart from the plane's ELT), an immersion suit which I will wear up to the waist while flying, and a life raft. I intend to bring multiple water bottles, and a guy I talked to who has done this says to bring lots of candy bars and nuts (chewing evidently keeps a person awake better than sucking for example) and be ready to chuck that stuff in the immersion suit should the unthinkable occur.

Due to the increased possibility of icing over the northern route, some people not on this thread have suggested the southern route is better. This would mean 12 hours over 1500NM of water, as opposed to 7-8 hour legs with the northern route.

Someone else said there are some islands with airstrips west of the azores. What are the names of those islands? Are there instrument approaches? Whats the identifier for Lajes?

Yes I wish I could have company, experienced company with deicing fluid! But the plane is alreday 30% over gross.

Also does anyone have any advice on ICING. Another pilot who does this says with 3/4 inch I will be down to the top of the white arc, and with 1 1/4 inches down to 70 knots, in that case to descent to 2 or 3000 and melt it off, assuming temps above freezing at that altitude.

Does anyone know how to make position reports across the ocean? I heard every 5 degrees, or 2 hours.
I need more info. Thanks.
I urge you to stop and think about what you are about to are heading down a VERY slippery slope here, and I would hate so see something bad happen. Sometimes we as pilots are so mission oriented that we fail to take a step back and really think about the most important things!

Be careful!!!!!
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