Thread: US Airways Express 2nd Year First Officers

DeadHead , 12-26-2008 05:17 AM
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Quote: It also hurts the pilot group. It is up to the pilot group to police their members, discreetly.

Surprise Line Check!
Not sure what you are implying here since most Line Checks are last minute and usually a surprise. I fail to make the correlation of how pilot members discreetly policing each other relates to a standard company line check???

Perhaps you are suggesting that a Line Check Airman should deliberately fail or give an unsatisfactory report to a pilot during a line check as a form of punishment.

Let see if you feel the same way about that after a Check Airman, who may not like you personally, decides to abuse his/her power and fail YOU on a Line Check.

If this is what you are implying, and I think it is, it speaks volumes about you as a person with regards to integrity, professionalism, and maturity.