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Old 12-26-2008, 04:35 PM
Sideshow Bob
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Originally Posted by DeadHead View Post
I second these comments,
I love how people always say that Pilot Error is the leading cause of all aviation incidents and accidents. My answer to this out-lived statistic is simply this,
How many incidents and accidents have occured due to mechanical, meteorological, or other unknown factors?
Not many, because there is usually a highly qualified and capable flight crew there to prevent the disaster.
Give credit where it's due.
Very true...

Very few incidents or accidents happen for one sole reason. Sadly, when the investigators and "expert" analysts even mention "human error" (defined by me for all practical purposes in response to armchair captains as not doing EVERYTHING perfectly ) as a CONTRIBUTING factor, the room temperature IQ/drive by press takes it to the top of the list. I think they do this both out of fear of the unknown (ie: everything to them as far as aviation is concerned) and sensationalism (like the Eagles song "Dirty Laundry") to sell air time/papers.

Like most, I have had it with the general public and their "overpaid" bus driver mantra. Name one other profession with the accountability and responsibility that we carry as nonchalantly as most cubicle monkeys can carry a tune on their way to the water cooler.

A surgeon kills a patient on the table...

If they can't hide the truth in the event of "human error" (which they do as there is no film/tapes/FDRs for the family to review), malpractice insurance makes it go away, but they go home, and get paid.

A lawyer screws up and his client goes to lethal injection or is falsley convicted/raped for the remainder of his miserable life...

The lawyer blames everybody else and then sues anyone he/she can for slander, but he/she goes home, and often gets paid,

We on the other hand get caught up in a dominoes game of other people's mistakes/acts of God where a moment of inattention or hesitation results in a problem and we are crucified by the FAA, NTSB the company, the press and the same whiplash lawyer that got his client executed/falsely imprisoned. And he/she goes home, gets paid and we're applying at Walmart or assuming room temperature.

We don't bury our mistakes, we're buried with them.

Off my sopabox now
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