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Old 01-31-2009, 01:57 PM
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Iflywinnebagos's Avatar
Joined APC: Apr 2006
Posts: 27

AZ Flyer, I had the same dilemma several years ago. I didn't think I had the patience to learn to use a complex DSLR but once I started taking pictures with it, it became an addiction. There's so much more room to be creative with a DSLR than a point & shoot. Just being able to shoot in RAW vs. JPEG (although a couple P&S can do this now), allows for a great deal of post processing freedom in Photoshop.

I'm a Canon guy myself so I can't say much about Sonys but here's why I decided on Canon: Lens Selection. There's about twice as much lenses you could buy for a Canon or Nikon than you could for a Sony. The whole reason you're getting a DSLR in the first place is to be able to change the lenses right? If not, a Canon G9 would do the same job, with the same amount of control as a DSLR.

The last advice I can give is to spend the money on buying a good lens and not the body. A DSLR from 3 or 4 years ago will do almost the same thing as the current models, for half the price! A quality lens will last you decades, but bodies are meant to be replaced every 3-5 years. If you go with a Canon, look at the Rebel XTI or 30D. Used or refurbished, they'll both produce great results. Even a brand new 30D body is half the original price right now, and at the time, many Sports Illustrated/ National Geographic photographers used this as their main camera.

Good luck!
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