Thread: Sullenburger Steps up to the Plate for Pilots

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Careercfi , 02-11-2009 03:21 PM
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Quote: The goal of the ATA, Aircon, etc is this:

Have the largest pool of warm bodies available to sit on the sheepskin. Then you can offer the position at price so low that even if only 10% are willing to take the job you have filled the seats. This is not new, it has been going on for decades. They have just been getting better at it over time.

Current bag of tools in use:

- Create and maintain the perception that there is a pilot shortage

- Create and maintain the perception that pilots get paid a pile of money and work very few hours

- Raise the retirement age ( age 65 )

- Lower the barriers to entry ( MPL )

They are winning, have been winning, and nothing is going to stop or slow them down.
This post should be STICKY!!!!!