Thread: Penair News

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penairpilot , 02-23-2009 05:21 PM
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Sorry that the proposed flow has not been mentioned up until this point, but as I said we need to validate the contract at the right time. We would like to wait until their entire pilot group is back on the property. This will simplify things greatly in order to separate the two groups from the beginning. The general consensus is to see people flow from our side to theirs first. This is the reason that we would like to correlate us signing a contract and them recalling all furloughed pilots.
A flow up is a guaranteed job with a solid employee number. Horizon does not have this luxury. They must interview with the company and be hired, just as any street hire. They approached us initially; evidently they have been more then impressed with the quality of the last five or so pilots hired from the Penair pilot group. Again, their main incentive was the flow back. It makes it more likely that they be able to recall a pilot that is based in Anchorage and never is jobless. Stats have shown that a large percentage of furloughed pilots obtain employment else ware and never return to their original company. This is very expensive because they may train for the same initial position multiple times in as little as six months.
I will answer your question regarding the selection of PenAir employees eligible for flow up tomorrow. As for the current pilot group, we estimate that 60 to 70 percent would be entitled to flow, based on those stats stated earlier.

To serve my pilots………….is my soul reserving a place in history…………..TT