Thread: Amerijet getting 767

nitecat , 03-01-2009 05:00 PM
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Quote: Does anyone know why 3/13 was chosen. 1224 should have taken the AMJ deal to court immediately. There is no reason to play nice with this corrupt management team. I imagine 1224 legal counsel doesn't want this to go to court because it would involve lots of work and lawyer type stuff. I guess Atlas/Polar issues and conferences in London are more important than our furloughed suffering because of severance scandals. We have too many 1224 people that are not willing to fight and that will cost us everything! My suggestion is to vote "NO" on everything sent to you until we get the severance we deserve. We as a furloughed group have the power of "NO" in our corner.

Do furloughed pilots get to vote on a contract or other issues? What happens
when JM goes extinct? Don't know.