Thread: FDX Who would You like for Vice-chair?

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Popeye , 03-05-2009 12:48 PM
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I would urge caution in voting for "change" for changes sake. That's what happened last November and I for one am not feeling to comfortable about the change that is going on around me.

I don't really know much about the guys running for office. I do have some reservations about DM, because he seemed to comfortable rubber stamping DW's policies and I didn't see much strength from him when he spoke during a few hub turn meetings. We need someone that we can trust to listen to the desires of the membership and strong enough to speak to us and for with confidence and authority. Like him or not, DW did march confidently, alas it was to a different drummer on a few critical issues.

I too am looking for someone different, but he may be among the insiders now. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Albie, what more can anyone say to you about this election than that? Unless of course they know these guys personally and can provide an intelligent endorsement or warning.