Thread: Frontier gets another 40Mil from RAH

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p1ayn , 03-07-2009 06:51 PM
Used to get weekends off
Used to get weekends off
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Quote: I don't speak for anyone but myself. Feel free to have all the opinions you want.

What's there to see through? His job is to make the company money. He does that. Maybe you mean the vast majority understands that managements job is to be productive to its shareholders and pay its debts? Whoever said any management's duty was to it's employees? If anyone believed that we wouldn't have unions.

You didn't have any issues coming here with current pay but you think someone else would? If he wants this airline to grow he'll have to keep the operating cost low enough to make us competitive to our codeshares so when business is available he'll get it. This isn't a statement of what I'm in favor of it's strait hard-knock-life fact. A lot of big statements but you gotta think them through.

Oh please. He's nothing like JO at all. He doesn't use religion for anything. When has he gotten anything from anyone because of religion? Did you sign on the dotted line because of his religion? Did DAL or CAL send us business because he believes in God? Just because he says he prays for you and your family doesn't mean anything. Name one interaction you've ever had with him through direct or indirect means let alone one that was influenced by him being religious. Contract, pairings, business deals, etc. What has he ever used his faith as leverage on? I still can't fathom why anyone thinks that because he's religious that he's suppose to neglect his duties as a CEO. It's his job to keep us a cost efficient/competitive company and to build good business relations while at the same time making a prosperous company. Or in other words his job is to be the CEO just like every other company in existence.

Why do people think that just because the company is making/has money that they it's wrong to make profitable business decisions with it since people are furloughed? RAH isn't CAL,DAL,SWA,(insert branded airline here). RAH flies a certain amount of frames as contracted by those carriers. If DAL wants 10 planes then RAH provides them and staffs those 10 planes. RAH doesn't get to say "No we have furloughs so we want 20 instead". Not their call. The company isn't going to pull people in off the streets to simply sit around and get paid to never fly. If you want to get the furloughs back then go say a few prayers for more flying. That's what we need and that's all BB has ever tried to get. You're trying to slap his wrists for the same practices that got you your job in the first place. If you're so disgruntled move on and let a furlough have the job he'd be glad to be here.

Frontier took a dive and 17 aircraft hit the parking lot. He quickly put them back to work with two new contracts at Midwest and Mokulele. How much are you really expecting from someone in this economy? I mean seriously what are you expecting? $140+ oil and he still found business yet you want to complain. What do you have up your sleeve the rest of management doesn't??? Couple all this with the 9 US air birds leaving, the 9 United birds leaving, the 24 CRJs phasing out and you're complaining that we have 100ish on the street? Don't get me wrong I hope like hell we get them back but be honest with yourself here. We're still very luck there aren't A LOT more on the streets. In the new company update the estimation was that if we hadn't been able to find a home at Midwest for the 12 aircraft the furlough number would have been around 300. You want to dog him for his business practices but they are the exact reason you have a job at all. Where do you sit on the seniority list? Are you glad he pushed for those 12 aircraft to fly and kept roughly 200 of our guys off the street or would you rather he not?

It's not managements fault for anything in the contract. It's the fault of the pilots that voted on it. If you're so unhappy then show that with your vote for any future TA that comes out. No management's job is to pay their employees ridiculous amounts of money. It's to find the balance of productivity versus price. It's the employees fault for accepting those wages if you're looking for blame. It's also up to those employees to make it better. Dont' try and sluff that responsibility off on our management they're doing their job and so far doing it well.

I'll fight tooth and nail for the best contract we could possibly get and I even have a strike fund set aside to last me for 3 months. I'm still not upset with the company, CEO, nor current contract because I accepted all of them when I chose to work here. So did you. Life here hasn't been bad at all.
Very well written! Truth hurts.