Thread: First flight of the Terrafugia; car/airplane.

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SpyGlass , 04-15-2009 08:53 PM
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Quote: Flying cars are not realistic. Local governments are not going to let people TO and land in their driveway.

But this is a roadable could actually be pretty useful for a certain type of recreational flying. It would be nice to be able to fly into out-of-the-way places and still get around. I'd buy one if performance was reasonable.
I agree, flying cars aren't that realistic if you try to picture them in every driveway sometime in the near future. Which is exactly what these companies always try to promote will happen. Even so, I do see its bright potential as the "ultimate toy" for anyone who might be lucky enough to be able to afford one. For the most part, I always just find these types of aircraft interesting. There's a long history of people trying to create them that spans back to 1917 with the Curtiss Autoplane. I think it is a very long road until these things are ever a common sight in the skies. At least someone is working on it though, and keeping the tradition alive...