Thread: FedEx narrowbody pilot %

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dckozak , 09-11-2006 09:47 AM
done, gone skiing
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These SWA vs FDX comparisions are nice but hard to quantify (day duty long vs night duty short, less hours vs more hrs, etc, etc) the real comparision is with UPS and here I think we come up short (or to look at it another way, they come out ahead ). An earlier UPS poster made the point, and no one took to answer/comment on it; since our WB rate is in essence, the same as there all body rate, we have, in comparision too UPS, a B scale for the 727. If our WB rate was highter than thiers, than we could (as in the past) look at our dual payrates as above thiers (for WB) but below for NB. can't say that anymore.