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Old 05-24-2009, 05:44 PM
UAL T38 Phlyer
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Default Putting Memorial in Memorial Day

We have become a country with hundreds of Congressionally-designated days, weeks, or a months for some 'special' commemoration. For all I know, there may be a National Lightbulb Month.

Some become Federal holidays. But there are so many, we have become inured, blase, and numb to them.

The word 'holiday' is an extrapolation of 'holy day;' which once meant it was a day to break from one's normal routine, pehaps attend a religious service, and reflect upon the significance of the event.

Memorial Day was originally meant as a day to remember the war-dead (from the Civil War), and perhaps visit a loved one's gravesite and perform upkeep.

But, for many today, Memorial Day just means a three-day weekend, barbeque, sporting events, and maybe a mini-vacation. If you work for the government, you get paid to do nothing.

People know they are supposed to honor Vets and acknowledge that they made our way of life possible. And, they know that, intellectually.

But how personal is it?

I decided to make it personal and acknowledge the friends of mine who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I admit, my list is short, and I'm thankful for that. But their lives--and families--deserve to be remembered.

Capt Art Reid

Capt John Barelka

Maj Blair Faulkner

I put my flag up today, and not as an empty gesture. I put it up for them.

And I'll remember them, every year, on Memorial Day.

God bless, guys. One more roll.......
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