Thread: Co 61

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B757200ER , 06-26-2009 08:14 AM
AAmerican Way for AA Pay
AAmerican Way for AA Pay
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Not Again...
Quote: Sniper, your signature line did not show up here, but it did say you were in favor of a TWA style integration.
Just so people remember 835+ TWA CA's came on on top of me. 375 are still senior to me. 1,400 TWA FO's are junior to me.

I felt compelled to respond, 7576FO.

I was a '96 hire at TWA, had (7) years and was a middle seniority B-767/I F/O. I had 10,900 AA pilots integrated above me, including 500 who weren't on the property at AA, hadn't been interviewed/hired/trained or had a seniority number when AA bought TWA. I had exactly 386 AA pilots below me, who were all hired after April 2001. I've been furloughed 6+ years now, while many of those same AA F/Os hired years after me are flying former TWA jets on former TWA routes out of the former TWA hub in STL with former TWA Captains.

What really needs to be remembered is this: Out of 2400 TWA pilots, only 495 were left after all the furloughs. Currently, just over 600 are working at AA. Exactly 60% of TWA's pilots, including 150 14-yr Captains, were stapled to the bottom of the combined list, below the newest, new-hire probationary FO/FE at AA. And lastly, out of 22,500 TWA employees, only 2500 are left at AA.