Originally Posted by
Chk the pay scale on the E-195 and tell me why this is a good deal.
Looking only at the rate is a little myopic. A little furlough helps bring this issue into focus. Even if you're not vulnerable, you don't want DC-9 jobs to go to DCI, right? So forget rates: look at the
jobs. A Delta pilot flying a E-190 is either hired for the job, or not fired because while the job was given away. Either way, it's good.
Rates can be moved up, but scope is very hard to regain once lost. I don't have any problem whatsoever with having
one contract with low E-190 rates. By the time the aircraft is on the property in any meaningful numbers, we'll be negotiating a new rate.
There is room in the fleet for many different aircraft sizes. At the intersection between our small narrow-bodies, and the large RJ's, will be new, and probably disputed, territory once the retirement of the small DC-9 leaves it open. Something eventually will fill the gap. I'd rather it be us.