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Old 07-03-2009, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by elfouquer View Post
My wife has this crazy idea that unions are bad, and they are bad for business. I have tried every arguement that I can think of that without the union, life would be much worse. She even had the nerve to ask "If your company(9e) goes on strike, can't you keep working?" So I am asking anyone out there that might be able to provide some good arguements that I may not have thought of in order to change her mind. Please don't bash my wife as I love her dearly, she just has some crazy notions that need to be turned around. Thanks in advance.
She sounds pretty smart to me! Most unions are bad and bad for business. ALPA, however, is a necessary evil for us in the realm of safety.

The second part of your question is unrelated to the first. Our opinion of the merit and utility of unions is immaterial when the question of crossing a picket line arises. It's a matter of personal integrity. If you're a member you don't cross picket lines..... period. That would breaking your word and sometimes that's all you have.
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