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Old 09-28-2006, 07:11 AM
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Joined APC: Aug 2006
Posts: 111

Originally Posted by Skygirl View Post
I think a lot of people (at least around here) are sympathetic to pilot's salary woes and pay cuts.

I do hear quite often though, from both male and female, never to date or marry one, that they make lousy boyfriends and husbands. Why do so many people say that?
I think it is because of many reasons. First of all, chances are, if you've always wanted to be a pilot, you like living a free lifestyle where you are not bogged down with worries from a significant other. Pilots and cops alike are stereotyped to be players. Plus, they have hectic schedules, And not only that, but they also tend to go through financial difficulties so much...But yeah, I even still hear that airline pilots make around 100k, even after 9/11 and the fairly recent comair crash. I think people assume that pilots are loaded because pilots used to make the same as doctors with half the amount of schooling. It's kind of stuck in ppl's heads that pilots make their money "the easy way" and always will. They also assume that pilots are just being a bunch of pansies by always going on strike, because ppl think pilots are "making more than them" and still complaining about it...
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