Thread: Flights that challenged your piloting skills

mcis987 , 08-09-2009 12:00 PM
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I have another near-peeing myself story. I was doing a 6 hr XC for my CPL requirements, and I was flying from central Illinois to Lacrosse WI (beautiful area, btw). For some reason, I forgot to use the restroom before I tookoff. About 15 minutes into the flight, I realized I needed to pee. Well, about 2 hours into it, I finally couldn't handle it anymore. I had a bottle of applejuice with me, so I decided to chug the juice and refill it with some of my own I couldn't completely relieve myself because the bottle was small, but I felt better. Oh, and this was in moderate turbulence in the clouds. Somehow I didn't spill a drop. About 30 minutes from Lacrosse, I had to pee again. It was so bad that I was about 5 minutes from diverting (which I really didn't want to do because I would have had to redo the flight). I landed the plane, shut the engine down and waddled to the bathroom at the FBO. Needless to say, I wasn't taxiing in at jogging speed . I have never forgotten to use the bathroom before a flight after that day.