Thread: FedEx TA Voting Poll

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Coffee Bitch , 10-03-2006 04:18 PM
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Coffee Bitch
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Quote: If you're unhappy, vote no. If you are at FedEx, then why did you call it "your B-fund" and not OUR B-fund. You sound a lot like Mach84 or some other complainer that has been ignored. You obviously don't understand how to bid vacation. You only loose if you bid high paying TAFB lines that pay rig. You would probably complain about winning the lottery because you would have to pay the taxes.
OK, MY 6% B fund that increases a whopping 1 % over a year from now (i.e. 42 months After the amendable date). You got me on that one. I do know how to bid vacation....expand reserve days, seek out n backs, hub turns, blah blah blah, you got me on that one also, there is a work around requiring me compensating for the problem, trust me, our vacation system is the best, just pointing out a fact. Nice try at the slam, NO I would not ***** about paying taxes. OK, I think I covered your replies. NOW grow a set of brain cells and debate the other FACTS. Best case, and we both know it will not happen, this contact will cover from May 04 until Nov 10 (6.5 years). Most likely it will be two years plus again before the next contract is settled because the draft, vacation selling, open time pick up'n, SCABS-in-waiting will once again fail to see the obvious. So, lets hear your reply to the less than inflationary 18% pay increase over best case 6.5 years or any of the other points brought out. You must be an international guy (25% of the senior FedEx pilots) who make out on this contract. Standard ALPA contract screw the JR. guys. I would take a bet that you also approve of the 757 being paid the same as the aircraft that operates with 33% more pilots, carries 40% less payload (727 12 cans, 757 18.5 cans with 3.5 cans underneath), and grosses out 37% heavier than the 727. Once again , the JR guys bear the brunt so the SR guys can make more, ALPA standard. You should be proud that you are the only airline in history to pay the 757 and 727 the same, you should be proud indeed. And yes I voted no, thats my right. I contribute more to FedEx than a cost of living raise. Thats my opinion, you obviously think less of yourself.