Thread: My Flying Soul has Cancer

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LastTraintoMEM , 08-26-2009 04:31 AM
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I hate to be a gloomer, but I just don't see any light at the tunnel any time soon. The MSM keeps pumping green shoots, and if you really look at the numbers and other news sources they are just not there.

Here is some fun with numbers:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Check the "Est Currency and Credit Derivatives" number (toxic assets) WOW! That is almost 645 trillion! What comes after trillion?!?!

Several years ago I had a dumbass friend who did a barrel roll in a Seneca II and ripped a wing off at 8,000 AGL. I figured he had a good 30 seconds to realize he was screwed before he hit the dirt. IMHO, we as a country are in that 30 seconds. We just are waiting to hit the dirt!

I hope I am wrong, and please someone, anyone show me a light! I just think we need to be honest with ourselves.