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Old 10-12-2009, 06:13 AM
Bucking Bar
Can't abide NAI
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Originally Posted by slowplay View Post

The JCBA intended to retain status quo of the DAL PWA for all sections not intentionally altered. The modifications were designed to incorporate what NWA had in their agreement, not a land grab or "gotcha" negotiating. Same is true for the AK codeshare.

You know this.
What? It is in our contract.

What about our pay rates, or other sections of our contract?

And if we've waived part of this, unilaterally, what effect does that have on the rest? You are writing that this contract language is absolute, yet you know it is not, we have already waived it!

Frankly, I am scared when my Reps tell me "our contract is working because no one knows how to administer it." We just had some management types on the jumpseat talking about the furlough discussions this Summer. Yeah, I'm concerned.
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