Thread: FDX - TriCare Prime versus Buy-Up or Base

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SabreDriver , 10-19-2009 03:23 PM
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Quote: Some numbers for family plans:

FDX Buyup about $75 a month extra over base plan or $900 a year.

Tricare Prime - $460 a year.

With buyup plan and tricare basic I haven't paid a co pay for anything in two years.

Tricare prescription plan sucks IMHO.

Can you use your HCSA to pay for TRI Care Prime enrollment fee?
Full disclosure: I don't work at Purple....

I keep my company's insurance plan, which is a very good one, and I keep TriCare standard for the catastrophic backstop and because it is free. The small $ I spend (similar to FedEx price) for my company's best plan + TriCare std buys me a very big piece of mind. If I lose my company plan (can you say F-lo) then I can always opt back into TriCare prime.

If you live in the vicinity of a military treatment facility, you can get your scripts filled at no cost, just have to bring in the script in person then auto refill for pickup every 90 days, been doing it for 3 years since retirement. Order by phone, then pick up at the walk up window by the commisary a couple days later. If you live away from a MTF, the other option is the express scripts mail service through TriCare, 90 day supply, sent to your mail box at $10/refill. I have yet to find a better plan for scripts, actually cheaper than the $4 generic plan at Wal-Mart, because you only get a 30 day supply that way, making it $12/qtr. for the very limited formulary. As always, YMMV.
