Thread: Way to go Delta (Taxiway Landing)

Lab Rat , 10-21-2009 02:52 PM
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Lab Rat
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There is very much off topic, but relevant nonetheless due in part to threads such as this.

How many of you have visited other non-aviation message boards? The ones I have seen are roughly 90% seriousness, 5% sarcasm, and 5% immaturity. Unfortunately, most aviation message boards (and APC is getting closer, no offense intended) are about 95% immature and 5% serious. It has literally gotten to the point where the only reason to visit these boards is for nothing more than a laugh.

Think about it. How many CPA message boards do you see containing comments such as "my adding machine is bigger than your adding machine", or "back in the day we had Lotus 1-2-3. These young punks nowadays have Excel." Or how many doctor websites do you see with comments such as "well, I'm a better doctor with less experience because I had advanced anatomical systems taught to me at Harvard".

Look at the majority of these threads and posts. I don't know who outside of aviation visits these message boards, but it is almost embarrassing to wonder what most would think.