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Old 10-21-2009, 08:59 PM
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Joined APC: Mar 2008
Position: FAA 'Flight Check'
Posts: 13,837

I've researched and read all kinds of things, one claimed that you are dumped in the woods to live off the land while trying to evade the enemy, then being captured and being psychologically and physically tortured. Is this part of the training?
Yes - it is called SERE Training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) There is quite a bit more to it than you've heard - but you have the jist of it. It is interesting now that some of the **training** you endure in SERE has now been defined as torture when applied to terror suspects.

Specifically addressing USMC flyer, what is the training to become a fighter pilot like?
Sorry blujay - but this question is worded to broadly for me to really be of any use. I'd be glad to answer your questions but they should more detailed.
In general - it is a lot of studying, mentally preparing yourself for every academics test, brief, flight and debriefing because each event may make or break your dreams.

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