Thread: Considering the military route...

Sputnik , 10-25-2009 08:28 AM
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Quote: I'm sorry if this next set of statements may sound rude, but what is with the snobbery at this place?
Snobbery? Seriously? There is a current thread called "How do I become a Pilot?" where a young man asked exactly the same question. It would have taken you less time to read his, figure out what questions weren't already answered and go forward. Instead you choose to post exactly the same thing.

And if you now can manage to take a few minutes to read it, you'll see a lot of the advice he got, and that he continues to ignore, is to do some research on this and the other sites already mentioned.

You think your reception here was snobbish? I'll tell you what, wait till you go to pilot training, walk into the flight room and ask a question an instructor just answered. Your feelings got hurt here? Just wait.

Is pilot training hard? I'd say yes, just how hard depends on the individual. Thus far it appears you have no ability to do any work (research) and are offended that people tell you to. Based on that I'd say you would have a very difficult time finishing the course. Grow up and good luck.