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Old 10-17-2006, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by doug_or View Post
I'm not HR, but I am a misdoment. You aren't f'ed, you just need to come up with a good interview spiel about how you learned from it and wht it won't happen agian. Now.... the real problem isn't HR related, its the forking arrogant maple syrup chuggy loonies to the north. They can deny you entry, which would be very inconvient if your airline flys to Canada. You can apply for "rehabilitation" 5 years after the completeion of your sentance (fines and comm service count as sentence, probation does not), or, and I have no experience with this, if you need to get in less than 5 years afterward (as you do), you can try to get a temporary residence permit or a "minister's permit". Good luck, read up, and see if you can't find an immigration lawyer with experience re: Canada.

It is not an uncommon problem. Pinnacle even posts the paperwork on their webpage.

I checked the Pinnacle website and it said the Canadian restriction applies to DUI's.
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