Thread: Will some of us ever fly again??

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UnlimitedAkro , 11-04-2009 02:29 AM
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Quote: I have been furloughed since April of 2007 and have gone back to instructing, yet I have had the dream of flying for an airline since I was 5 years old and took my first flight on a United 737-200!! I am not giving up hope of eventually becoming a captain of a 777 flying internationally! That is and will continue to be the goal that I will reach! But I would like to ask all the negative nellies.....why are you being so negative?
These "dreams" are why people still are still enrolling in flight schools without using common sense, a little research, and doing the math.

There are more than 9000 pilots on furlough, and airlines plain and simple will not hire 9000 over the next several years. What part of this math equation is so difficult to understand?

After you wait in line and flight instruct for 5 years, which is slowly becoming 8 years.... then 10+ years, you will get hired by a regional making pennies for 5 years, but by then you will probably be near your 40's. Most people would say the expense you put into this career is not worth the return FINANCIALLY.

However, it is those kids who have fallen in love so head over heals for flying big airplanes that have lost the common sense to do the proper research, and add up the numbers correctly.

You asked what is up with all the negativity, well your fellow pilots are just being realistic and telling you how it is. If you want to live in a fantasy world thats fine with us.