Thread: Compass updates

Spoilers , 11-17-2009 12:06 PM
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Quote: Easy to cast stones when you already have a job.
I've been out of a job since January, you can do the math of how many months of unemployment that comes out to. I'm not telling anyone not to go to Compass. I was just stating the facts in my previous post. People seems so surprised when they hear 15 hours of pay for 30 days, No housing during training, etc. I doesn't surprise me at all, because companies can do whatever the heck they want. They got plenty of people lined up. Supply & Demand. I wouldn't be surprised to see other airlines follow the same standards once things turn around and they start hiring. No more ticket to interview, No more Hotel provided during training, Only Half of guarantee pay until you pass IOE, etc. Just another easy way for them to cut costs. It sucks, but employers got us by the balls right now.

I don't get why Compass is hiring guys with 6000+ Hours, several type ratings, etc. Like you mentioned, most of these guys go there, get some currency and then bail as soon as things start moving. Not everyone wants to go to DL. But again, they can do whatever they want.

Also, as far as the whole "preferential interviews/hiring" for furloughed DCI/ALPA carriers, I heard it is BS. I saw how well it (didn't) work last year between OH/XJ.