Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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nwaf16dude , 12-14-2009 05:26 AM
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Quote: Heyas Buzz,

You got that right.

One of my very last trips out of MSP, I was sitting reserve, and I got called out to repo a DC-9 back to MSP.

So, I DH out to where ever (first ride on an, what a piece of, er, whatever), and wander out to the gate and meet up with the captain.

I had noticed that when I put his emp # in the ACARS that it was kinda low to be on reserve, so on the way back to MSP, I ask him:

Me: "So, er, how'd you wind up doing this? Reserve?"

Him: "no"

Me: "Um, ok, time available?" (NWA's recovery obligation)"

Him: "no"

Me: "pick it up on the open board?"

Him: "no...I live next to the airport, and scheduling knows if they need a favor, they can call me"

Me: "um, not to put too fine a point on it, but you know we have 700 guys on furlough, right?"

Him: "I don't care anything about that"

Me: "....."

I will allow our esteemed audience (even the Slow ones) to draw their own conclusions...


PS And yes, he wore long sleeves....I don't know what the deal with that is....weird
I think I probably flew a turn with that same guy, or at least one just like him... Pretty sure this guys was the #1 -9 Capt in MSP at the time. We flew a JFK turn, and this guy spent the whole time telling me why I was stupid to commute, and about how my retirement and wage rate was unsustainable. Then, to top it all off, he refused to push it up or try to cut any corners on the way back even though he knew I was trying to catch a commute flight. He quickly became the first entry on my "Avoid employee #" list. Don't remember if he wore long sleeves or not.